Man On The Moon Magazine was the men-lifestyle magazine creation of Spainmedia. ‘A Magazine for men with big dreams’ was its motto and it was published between 2018 and 2019. I was the creator and director of the video department during that time. We created a few beloved video series: 

#Ihaveadream was a beautiful 1-min-video where our guests (politicians, actors, journalists, photographers) could share their dreams with us 

Our Fashionfilms, linked to the MOONWALK fashion section of the magazine, were the most cinematic of our production

Here’s just a selection of my personal favorite MOM videos I directed.

︎ YouTube
︎ Instagram

David Lachapelle

Dan Winters

Man On The Moon Mediakit

MOONWALK X (Fashionfilm)

The Great Beyond (Fashionfilm)