︎4º Issue Acta Magazine: Rutas disidentes, resistencias comunes
Design & Art Direction
June 2019
450 copies
Imprenta Galilei S.L. (Madrid)
ISSN: 2445-4397
As part of the Master of History of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture (Reina Sofía Museum-UAM-UCM), the students of the art critic itinerary were assigned to prepare an exhibition, ‘Recreational and political resistances in Madrid during the 90’s', as well as edit the fourth issue of the Acta magazine, published annually by the master. I worked as art director and designer of Acta magazine, which was launched together with the exhibition in June 2019.
I also directed and edited most of the video interviews of those art collectives who participated in the exhibition: La Fiambrera, Luis Navarro (Industrias Mikuerpo), Andrés Senra (Radical Gai), Juan Ugalde (Estrujenbank), Pepe Murciego (La Más Bella), and Laura Cortés (Eskalera Karakola).
You can take a complete look at the Acta issue here.
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Juan Albarrán, Selina Blanco, Rocío Robles, professors of the Masters of History of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, MNCARS Library & Centro de Documentación staff, Alberto Medina Morales, Julio López González, Nieves Correa. To Juan Galdeano, Lesoj, Laura Cortés, Luis Navarro, Pepe Murciego, Juan Ugalde, Andrés Senra, Curro Aix, Santi Barber, Jordi Claramonte To Diego Calvo Cubero, Lucía Silva, Fran Simarro Lozano, Blanca Soto and Héctor Perez Pinto. To the art collectives: La Eskalera Karakola, La Más Bella, LSD, Radical Gai, Estrujenbank, Industrias Mikuerpo, La Nevera, El Perro and La Fiambrera.
To artists colaborating: Clara Cábez López, Magdalena Orellana, Sara Ana Mejías Pinilla, Luna Moriana, Mata-Galán, Ana López-Bachiller, and fellow classmates.
Design & Art Direction
June 2019
450 copies
Imprenta Galilei S.L. (Madrid)
ISSN: 2445-4397
As part of the Master of History of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture (Reina Sofía Museum-UAM-UCM), the students of the art critic itinerary were assigned to prepare an exhibition, ‘Recreational and political resistances in Madrid during the 90’s', as well as edit the fourth issue of the Acta magazine, published annually by the master. I worked as art director and designer of Acta magazine, which was launched together with the exhibition in June 2019.
I also directed and edited most of the video interviews of those art collectives who participated in the exhibition: La Fiambrera, Luis Navarro (Industrias Mikuerpo), Andrés Senra (Radical Gai), Juan Ugalde (Estrujenbank), Pepe Murciego (La Más Bella), and Laura Cortés (Eskalera Karakola).
You can take a complete look at the Acta issue here.
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Juan Albarrán, Selina Blanco, Rocío Robles, professors of the Masters of History of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, MNCARS Library & Centro de Documentación staff, Alberto Medina Morales, Julio López González, Nieves Correa. To Juan Galdeano, Lesoj, Laura Cortés, Luis Navarro, Pepe Murciego, Juan Ugalde, Andrés Senra, Curro Aix, Santi Barber, Jordi Claramonte To Diego Calvo Cubero, Lucía Silva, Fran Simarro Lozano, Blanca Soto and Héctor Perez Pinto. To the art collectives: La Eskalera Karakola, La Más Bella, LSD, Radical Gai, Estrujenbank, Industrias Mikuerpo, La Nevera, El Perro and La Fiambrera.
To artists colaborating: Clara Cábez López, Magdalena Orellana, Sara Ana Mejías Pinilla, Luna Moriana, Mata-Galán, Ana López-Bachiller, and fellow classmates.